April 2016

  • Mughal Gold, A Magnificent Gold Mughal Huqqa Mouthpiece, North-India and the Mughal Capitals With European Influence, Probably Lucknow, Madras or Kutch, Circa Mid 19th Century, (Indian Gold).

  • Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Enamelled Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Probably The Deccan, Golcanda, Central-India, Circa 18th Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Pierced Open-Work Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Probably Golconda, Central-India, Circa 18th Century.

  • Antique Indian Silver, An Exceptionally Rare Parcel-Gilt Filigree Silver Spittoon (Peekdaan or Thookadaan), Hyderabad or Karimnagar, Deccan Sultanate, India, Circa 1700.

    Deccani Filigree Silver Spittoon, Probably Karimnagar C. 1700s AD.