An important & Early Large Ottoman Parcel-Gilt Silver Scribe’s Pen-Box And Ink-well (Divit),(مقلمة مع محبرة فضة عثمانية),Marked In Arabic Letters With The Tugrah OF Sultan Mustafa II(1106/1695-1115AH/1703AD.)&With The Makers Name Rumi (رومي ),Late17th C.

Identification Number: 446


This rare and larger the normal Divit of oblong form with bombe-shaped inkwell, the central parts are finely polished and plane, the borders and the inside lid of the inkwell are beautifully engraved with floral designs, a polished rock crystal encrusted in the centre of the inkwell gilded lid.

The shape of the Ottoman portable or a travelling pen-case and inkwell Divit is rather unique and typical, for practicality both the pen-case and the inkwell are attached together.

This important Divit belongs to the earliest marked group of this type which bears the Sultan monogram or (TUGRAH) and the oldest known Divit maker of this type was Rumi.

The Divit Maker Rumi had worked under three ruling Sultans, the Ottoman Sultans (Ahmed II, Mustafa II and Ahmed III) the working period between (1106-1143AH.).





30 cm long.
5.5 cm the height of the inkwell.


Good, The Divit has three Ottoman silver marks, the Sultan’s Tugrah or monogram, and probably Istanbul assay office zigzag Mark, the Divit cap and base are of a later period replacements, minor wear and tear.


The Europe Art Market.



For similar Ottoman (Turkish), Silver Divit and inkwell silver marks also the oldest Rumi Maker Marks please see:-
Ottoman Silver Marks by Garo Kurkman, pages 104, 108, the imperial Tugrah on silverware, pages 40-47, for similar Divit that bears Rumi mark please see lots catalogued on pages 104, 105 and 149 (the Tugrah of Sultan Ahmed II).

For another similar Divit, please see Traces of the Calligrapher, Islamic Calligraphy In Practice, C1600- 1900, BY Mary McWilliams, and David LJ. Roxburgh, The Museum Of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.
Please see figure 42 catalogued in page 60.

For another similar shaped Divit please see, Splendors of the Ottoman Sultans, By Dr. Nurhan Atasoy, Istanbul University, 1992, please see page 151.

For Arelated large Divit please see
Christie's Auction House, London the UK. Arts of the Islamic & Indian Worlds, on the 27th. of October 2022, Please, see sold lot identification No. 137.

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